For some people internet dating can be a whole lot of fun, for others it can mean the introduction of a lifetime. But if you are looking for love and they're just looking for a good night out, how are you to know?
Fill out your date review after each date while your impressions are still fresh. In the comment section to be really specific (does not look like their photo, nice smile). We keep statistics on your dating habits. This will help you look at the patterns in your behavior.
As a free member of Rates your date you can rate as many dates as you wish using our unique date review questionnaire.
Once you have rated your date, you can invite them to respond and they too can register and then rate you.
Positive Review: If you receive a positive review, we help with suggestions for a second date to keep things moving forward.
Negative Review : If you receive a negative review, we recommend ways to improve your dating outcomes. Remember rejection is just someone's opinion and not everyone is going to like you.
Try again, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get ready to date all over again.