LuxCouture.Com, the premier
luxury designer handbag website featuring up and coming designers has recently announced the addition of MINORITY handbags from Paris.
"Women are tired of having the same handbags and purses as everyone else on the street, they want to be different, they want beautiful designer handbags and we are happy to offer them," Sari Brown, president, explains. "We offer up and coming designers and
trendy handbags that grace the arms of fashionistas and celebrities around the world," Brown continues.
"There is a noticeable trend in search patterns towards women looking for trendy handbags and designer handbags that are unique and different," Robert Melillo, president, White Hat Marketing, LLC, explains. "It seems obvious that women no longer want the same handbags that every other woman has. They are searching for exotic skins, new designers like Pauric Sweeney, MINORITY, Janet Collins and NUTI handbags," Melillo continues. "Websites like are building reputations in the industry for offering these unique designer handbags from Italy and Paris," Melillo concludes. is one of a select few online retailers offering MINORITY handbags from Paris and in recognition of the new line, LuxCouture has reduced the price on bags by some of the shop's most popular designers.
"We are the 'go to' site for women looking for beautiful handbags and clutches. And we are often running promotions and contests to thank our very loyal customers," Brown explains. "We'll be running a fabulous contest for all the people who joined our mailing list over the years and will invite others to do the same," Brown states.