My name is Dr. Reena Sommer. I am a divorce consultant and coach. I work exclusively with divorcing people, couples and families. I have a lot of experience in this area because that's ALL I have done for the past 18 years.
During this time, I have witnessed a lot of my clients' heartache and hardship which for the most part, could have been avoided - if only they had properly informed themselves ahead of time. I can't tell you how many times I have heard clients say, "I only wish I had known" or "Why hadn't I come to see you earlier?"
The problem is that for most people who are getting divorced, it is their first and hopefully, only experience. However, this lack of experience makes them quite naive and under-informed about what the divorce process is really all about. This leaves them quite vulnerable to a potentially vindictive spouse who has absolutely no interest at all in being fair or equitable.
That is what lead me to write my special e-book, "
How to Avoid the Ten BIGGEST Divorce Mistakes" I want to share with you my insights about the most common pitfalls in the divorcing process as well as advice on what you can do to prevent them from happening.